Sunday, July 27, 2008

Anyone there?

Wow, so over two months since my last post. It doesn't seem like it's been nearly that long, but so much has happened since then.
I don't want to type a ridiculous amount, mainly because I want to go to bed in the next ten minutes or so (I don't have high hopes for this actually happening).
So since last time I joined the co-op slo-pitch softball team. This led to me basically hanging out with the co-op students basically any night that I went out for the past two months. It's been a lot of wings nights, softball losses (we didn't mind that much), house parties and camping adventures. I don't think there's really any monumental stories to tell but it has been a blast(y blast).
I will say, one of my favourite days though was actually a day that started out at the Kokanee Brewery (an event organized by APEGBC). I learned a bunch about the brewing process as well as got some free beer and met some other engineers from the Kootenays. After the brewery, we went on a mission to find a keg for a girl's birthday party in Fernie. This quest took us to the Legion in Cranbrook (where the above photo was taken) on the advice of a BCL employee, a search that was ultimately fruitless. Eventually we just went with normal fare for drinks and had a solid BBQ on the river before heading for the pub. We eventually ended up at some randoms house, playing Wii until finally walking back to the Birthday girls house at 4am and heading back to Elkford.

As for work, I started a 4 on, 4 off schedule of 12 hour days in the beginning of July. It's been nice to have 4 days off at a time, but my schedule doesn't match up with almost all the other co-op students, so I am looking forward to going back to the normal schedule come September. Right now isn't so bad as my days off are coinciding with the weekend for the next few weeks (since it's an 8 day schedule, it moves forward a day each week), but by mid/late August I'll have no weekends.
I've also started working without any other surveyors, which, aside from being kinda sketchy at times, like when a haul truck- i.e. 100 tonne truck - flipped onto its side early in the morning and I needed to go survey the accident site, on my first day alone. I've been seeing even more wildlife as of late, which I wouldn't have believed if you'd told me that in May. Other than that though, I'm kind of glad that I only have one more month of surveying; I'm kind of ready to try something new.

I'll try and post a bit more freqently in the future, although I can almost guarantee my next blog post won't been for at least 2 more weeks